Thursday, November 18, 2010


I want to take a moment to thank anyone who has been reading this blog. (Anyone? Anyone?) Well if you're out there, whoever you are, I appreciate your interest in Iron Mom and I hope you will rejoin me on this journey in the spring.

Iron Mom is intended to be a training log detailing my journey to compete in the Iron Man. I plan to document my training workouts and nutrition as well as recap any races I compete in along the way. My training season typically runs from March through November and I usually compete in 4-7 races each each year between the months of May and October.

Right now, I am preparing to hibernate for the winter. I'm in what I call my "off season" or "post season," a time when I don't compete in any races and my fitness schedule is pretty routine:

Swimming: 2x/week

Cycling/spinning: 1-2x/week

Running: 3-4x/week

Lifting: 3-4x/week on non-consecutive days

Yoga: 1x/week

Walking: Daily (usually 1-2 miles)

Meanwhile, I will continue writing Triathlon Mom, a less technical blog that doesn't detail miles and ounces, but focuses more on the journey itself--on how fitness goals coincide with life and how I manage it while still raising my family. So please check out Triathlon Mom at:

I hope you will join me here again in March when Iron Mom emerges from winter hibernation ready to rock and race!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cardio Yoga

Today I pushed a little harder in yoga, putting in about 75 minutes of practice this morning, followed by 30 minutes of lifting.

Later in the afternoon, a two-mile walk with Luna completed the workout day.

Breakfast: Usual oatmeal

Snack: Green tea, pumpkin muffins

Lunch: Yogurt and granola

Snack: Pear and almonds

Dinner: Whole wheat pasta tossed with sauteed spinach and garlic in olive oil, topped with wild salmon and raw carrots on the side.

Dessert: Chips (Scoops), melted cheese, glass of red wine + small handful of dark chocolate covered almonds.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Swimming again

Back in the pool after two months off and it felt great!

I can't tell you how many yards I swam, but I can tell you that I worked hard for a full hour. Heart rate was firing. Loved getting such a great cardio workout without pounding on my joints.

Breakfast: power oatmeal (of course)

Lunch: leftover white pizza with spinach and mushrooms

Snack: chai tea and ginger-spiced pumpkin muffin

Dinner: Tofu white chili and spinach salad

Dessert: Chocolate frozen yogurt with homemade granola and raspberries

Monday, November 15, 2010

Trying to fit it all in

Here's what I wanted to do today:

Walk the dog one mile in my Vibrams. Run 1.5 miles in my Vibrams. Run 3 miles in my Kenvaras. Lift for 30 minutes.

Dream on, right? So with the time available to me today, this is what I actually did:

One mile Vibram walk. Two mile Vibram run. 30 minutes lifting.

Trying to get food back on track too. Reintroducing some veggies was a good start . . .

Usual breakfast--power oatmeal.

Post-workout lunch--finished off the rest of the mushroom risotto with almonds and olive oil. A handful of corn tortilla chips, a few dried apricots, four dark chocolate covered almonds to satisfy the sweet tooth.

Afternoon snack--green tea, small dish of almonds, dried cranberries and a few dark chocolate chips.

Dinner--Wild salmon, spinach fresh from the farm topped with broccoli, carrots, goat cheese, walnuts, hard-boiled egg, olive oil and lemon. Yum! Dessert--small handful of dark chocolate covered raisins and almonds. (Yes, I love my chocolate).

And the evening indulgence (and one of many reasons why I work out): Corn tortilla chips with melted cheese and a glass of red wine while watching really mindless television for an hour.

Tomorrow . . . it's back to the pool after almost three months off! Hope to swim and not sink!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Rest and ride

Yesterday I took the day off from all the usual suspects. We were so busy attending soccer games and end-of-season parties that "resting" was the only option.

So, while really a rest, I did take a break from working out, sleeping well, blogging, and eating healthy. I don't think I've ingested a veggie in two days and fruits have only made a few token appearances.

Saturday night, I traded running shoes for high heels and paid dearly for it today. Fortunately, I was able to postpone my run until tomorrow and go for a bike ride with my husband instead.

60 degrees and sunny, we covered 30 moderately hilly miles and enjoyed the beautiful fall colors and the mountains on the horizon. Pre-ride fuel was coffee (of course) and a whole wheat tortilla with almond butter and honey. 42 oz water during the ride.

Post-ride fare was a guilt-free feast of my mom's home cooking--grilled scallop and veggie kabob, homemade baked mac-n-cheese, cooked carrots, and dessert of peach pie a la mode.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Flying through the day

I'd hoped to run 4 or 5 miles today and lift for 30 minutes. I hadn't done either in three or four days and I'm trying to stick to an every other day routine. (Don't ask me why.)

But, as the day would have it, I was lucky to squeeze in a fast 3-mile run, which I managed to churn out in 26 minutes (thankfully, because the school bus got home at the same time I did) followed by 20 minutes in the gym--two sets of 12 reps for six strength exercises.

Food: The usual power oatmeal for breakfast and green tea. Lunch was leftover three mushroom risotto, heated with olive oil and almonds, and dried apricots and dark chocolate covered raisins for dessert. While grocery shopping, I treated myself to a tall soy chai which gave me a little boost for the run. Water and a handful of almonds afterward. Homemade white pizza for dinner with mushrooms and spinach.

We had a family outing to see a play tonight--Peter Pan. (Smart Pop at intermission. Frozen yogurt when I got home.) Peter Pan can fly, and so can I.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Still she rides!

Sunny, 58 degrees, light winds . . . and a great pit stop! What more could a cycle girl wish for in mid-November?

50 mile round trip bike ride today.

Power oatmeal breakfast.
Pre-ride fuel: Tall Starbucks soy latte and a chocolate chip Clif Bar.
During ride: 22 0z water, Montana Huckleberry (my favorite!) Hammer Gel
Pit Stop: Green tea, yogurt with granola and cranberry bread.
During ride: 20 oz sport drink (case of generic brand was way cheaper than Gatorade)
Post ride: handful of almonds and the 12 oz strawberry Hammer Recoverite that my quads were screaming for!

Snack: dried fruit, whole wheat pretzels, cheese

Dinner: Three mushroom risotto, mixed veggies, vino.

(Disclaimer: I'm no nutritionist, I just post what works for me.)

Now what I need is a good night's rest!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Yoga and Luna

Today's workout was non-cardio, but very enjoyable:

One hour of yoga with elements of strength training and a 30 minute walk with Luna.

According to one yoga instructor I practiced with, in addition to a balanced and nutritious diet, all you need to stay healthy and fit is yoga and five miles of walking each day.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Getting it done

Up and at 'em today, no time to waste or procrastinate.

5-mile run, slow and steady. Walked the first .25 to warm up and walked the last .25 because my knees were being a bit disagreeable.

It was a beautiful day, so I took my dog for a 1-mile walk to cool down.

Stretching to follow, but not closely enough. Muscles had started to tighten up before I got to the stretches.

Note to self: Do not procrastinate on stretching!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Simple yet challenging

Today's workout plan was simple: 30 minutes of lifting. Easy, right?

Given the proper motivation, it would have been. However, sometimes I find that the easy things are hard and the hard things are easy. Thirty minutes in the gym? Easy. I can get to that any time--probably after my morning appointment. Well, maybe after I run a few errands. It's such a beautiful day, I think I'll take my dog for a walk--get in some bonus cardio first.

Now the sun is beginning to set on this day and I still haven't made it to the gym for those easy 30 minutes. Harder than I thought. It's the little things that are easily pushed aside and overlooked, even though they are equally as important.

So here I go, to the gym, to curl those weights and crunch those abs. I know I'll be glad I did, but right now I'd sure rather finish the last few pages in my book first . . .

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Finding my stride

Fueled by power oatmeal, a mug of leaded, and the joy of seeing my second fitness column in the local newspaper, I did a one-mile walking warm up before setting out on a 5-mile run.

It felt so good. Plodding along at roughly a 10-minute mile, I didn't set any records for speed or distance--I just loved being out there.

I thought about my friends who were running the NYC Marathon this weekend, and even about another friend who, if I'm not mistaken, is running an Ice Marathon in Antarctica. I tried to tap into their energy and drive. These people inspire me to keep going, to do better, run faster.

I'm a low-tech runner, an iPod being my only standard gadget. Today I enjoyed the random feed of old Van Halen and Jane's Addiction. Today, I also added another gadget: a watch. When I realized I was holding a 10 minute mile pace, I challenged myself to go faster and finished the last mile in 9 minutes flat, completing the 5-miler in 49 minutes.

With no race on the horizon I wonder: How far should I go? How fast? For now, I'm just happy to have found my stride again.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The one that (almost) got away

Today was one of those days that kept slipping through my fingers and I wasn't sure if I'd get my workout in or not, even though I'd only planned to lift since I ran two days in a row--a first since the fracture in July.

My dog is the one that finally got me moving and and it was just the lift I needed to get me motivated for the other lift I needed--in the gym!

So, a two mile walk and 30 minutes in the gym. Not bad for a day that almost got away.

"You'll never regret the workouts you get, only the ones you let get away."

Friday, November 5, 2010

Rest is not a 4-letter word.

I am trying to understand what the word "rest" means to me.

Is it synonymous with relax? In which case, I would, ideally, sleep in and then read most of the day. Maybe go for a long leisurely walk or hike.

Or does it mean get in a workout, as usual, but dial down the intensity factor. To me, these are the days that I do yoga, stretch, walk, maybe some light lifting. These are the things that typically define a rest day for me.

Rarely does a rest day mean getting no physical exercise but focusing, instead, on other productive activities (that are not necessarily enjoyable).

Today started out as one of those rare days. I had the whole day to myself. And, while exercising is usually my means of stress relief, my to-do list at home has gotten so long that I'd return from a run and instantly be stressed again by the sheer number of things I still had to do--and had been neglecting (while I was running).

As soon as the kids were on the bus, I got busy and tackled the piles of paperwork and filing in my office. After three hours, the usual thoughts began to creep in: "You've put in three good hours; you still have time for a run. Maybe eat lunch first, do some more work, then get in a short run. If you run now while the kids are in school, you can always get back to these boring chores while they are home."

Eventually I convinced myself that I'd earned a good, speedy walk for all that I'd accomplished this morning. Plus, my dog kept walking into the office and staring at me like I'd forgotten something. Forgotten her. Forgotten to take her for a walk.

So, while I was out walking, a funny thing happened. I felt great; suddenly more energetic. My motivation level ticked up a notch, despite only a trace amount of caffeine in my system (the white and green tea blend I had before lunch--which was a plate of whole wheat spinach pesto pasta with almonds and olive oil).

I am now happy to report that on my day of rest, I was immensely productive in the morning and still had time to walk my dog for 40 mins and get in that short but necessary 1.2 mile run in the Vibrams that I thought would have to wait until tomorrow.

If I'm lucky, I'll still get to lift before the day's over, too! It's good to have a rest day now and then. ;)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Running in the Rain

My schedule is all over the place these days. Mainly because I don't have a schedule.

The rain was coming down this morning; temps in the 40s. So, I decided to run my errands in the morning and save the workout for afternoon, hoping the rain might taper off.

While out and about, I treated myself to a Caribou Coffee Caramel High Rise (with my lunch of leftover pumpkin bread--lunch of champions, eh?) and even though I went half caf, there was a full shot in that 16 oz cup.

By the time I got home, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack! Any ambivalence I felt about running in the rain (which was still coming down buckets with no sign of stopping) was gone. Why waste a good caffeine kick? Besides, I had to do something to burn it off before I broke into pieces!

So I ran. And it was amazing! I'd forgotten how much I enjoy running in the rain. As long as I've got the proper gear and the streets aren't so flooded I have to hop puddles the whole time (or risk running in soaking wet shoes, which always leads to blisters!) it is such a freeing experience.

And I ran fast. There were no aches or pains, no huffing up the hills, just a pure and simple, joyful run! I'm so glad I got out there today and got it done. Otherwise, I'd have missed out on the highlight of my day!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

On task

On task today, no caffeine required, with one hour of yoga and 45 minutes of lifting, though my quads are still sore, and I despise chin ups. The yoga felt good, the lifting--not as much--but it enabled me to enjoy some yummy cranberry-pumpkin bread completely guilt free. (Well, mostly guilt-free.) :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


A rest day.

If you don't count caring for three children, voting, cleaning, carpooling, laundry, running errands, making phone calls, going to doctor appointments, grocery shopping, making dinner, packing lunches and cleaning some more.

And, my sore muscles could have used some light cross-training after yesterday's new lifting workout.

That's what tomorrow is for ;)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Motivation Enhancement

With no race on the horizon, my motivation is dropping right along with the temperature!

Caffeine to the rescue! The tired, sluggish woman who emerged way to soon from her bed was quickly replaced by a peppy, energetic athlete who was ready to run--no, sprint!--those easy 4.5 miles planned for today.

But before the rush of caffeine to the bloodstream, I went to the gym (in my PJs!) and started doing lunges, the slogan "Just Do It, Just Do It" on replay in my head. I guess it worked because I made it through 30 minutes of lifting, changed into my running clothes, and was so jittery I could barely tie my shoes.

4.5 miles in just under 40 minutes on a bright and sunny, though chilly (43 degrees!) fall day--not too bad for someone who's been benched from running for months on end.
Go coffee!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Since it was Halloween weekend, I was feeling a bit like a slacker. I really had to trick myself into getting out there on Saturday for my scheduled day of lifting and running.

So, after spending the morning on the soccer field with the girls (consuming green tea--which actually gives me a little kick after my 6-month coffee hiatus), I gulped down a mini chocolate chip Clif Bar and put in my 30 mins in the gym.

The 4.5 mile plodding run was slow and uninspired, but a run nonetheless. Refueled afterward with a handful of almonds and a huge salad--romaine topped with broccoli, cauliflower, celery, carrots, walnuts, cottage cheese, lemon and olive oil.

Veggie burgers were on the menu for dinner.

Having tricked myself into my workout and eating a good lunch, I was able to treat myself later, guilt-free, to a fun evening with friends around our fire pit--complete with red wine and dark chocolate s'mores.

Today, I essentially took the day off and, instead of the usual cardio fare, I enjoyed a hike in the woods to be followed, later, by two hours of walking around the neighborhood with my little trick-or-treaters. Hopefully I burned enough calories to make up for the junk I ate later :)

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Uphill. Both ways.

On Thursday, we were blessed with another unseasonably warm day--sunny and 70 degrees. Within minutes of seeing that forecast, I knew I'd be on my bike.

I plotted out a 50+ mile ride to Westminster, out beyond Baughers, and back. My semi-retired parents bought a home there a little over a year ago, so I made plans to meet my Dad for a pit stop/lunch. When I'm riding that far by myself, I feel more secure knowing that someone is expecting me at the far end.

Power oatmeal and a quick shot of caffeine before heading out. 22 oz of water + 22 oz sports drink was the only sustenance I needed en route.

I made a quick stop half way to re-up my membership at the Y; before long the only cycling I'll be doing will be in a spin class. Plus, it's time to get back in the pool!

The ride was spectacular--leaves swirling everywhere like I was in the fall version of a snow globe. There was animal entertainment too. A squirrel slowly made it's way toward the road. It was moving directly toward me at such a leisurely pace I thought it might be injured. Then, at the last moment, it hopped right in front of my bike, performed a few bobs and weaves and spun in a circles before dashing off across the road. The word "squirrelly" came to mind.

Also, the shoulders were packed with grasshoppers and big, furry caterpillars. Why the need to cross the road? (Was this question ever answered by the chicken?) I managed to dodge most of them, with the exception of one most unfortunate 'hopper; and it was a big one. Ew. (Those skinny tires leave little to the imagination.)

My Dad, who loves to go out to eat, treated me to Panera for lunch: whole grain bagel with peanut butter + mango and yogurt smoothie.

By the time I headed back home, the winds had picked up and I wished I'd opted for the latte instead of the smoothie. I mistakenly thought, after all the climbing I'd done on the first leg, that the ride home would be a breeze. I was partly correct: it was breez-y. (Understatement.) I was grateful for the wide shoulder when gusting crosswinds would bump me a foot sideways toward the traffic.

Plus, the hills! Did I mention the hills? I rode uphill the whole way there, and uphill the whole way back too; or so it seemed. (If you don't believe me, you really should give it a try!) In reality, the terrain around here is such that you don't start out at one elevation at point A and steadily climb or descend to point B; but continually climb and descent the whole way. Gotta love those rolling hills.

En route fluids: approx 32 oz water.

Legs were cashed by the time I got home, but I've had great luck with Hammer's Recoverite helping my muscles recover from a tough workout without too much soreness. I also refueled with a handful of almonds, and whole grain linguine with olive oil and chopped hard-boiled egg.

I'm continually humbled; not only by the local terrain, but also by how difficult it is to gain and maintain fitness, yet how easy it is to lose it. (The inverse of weight loss.) But it also seems that muscle memory allows for faster recovery each year, creating a two steps forward and one step back rhythm, so I'm thankful for that and I hope to keep improving.

I ask myself: why am I still riding 50+ miles in the post season?
1) Because I can, and, the less snarky answers:
2) Because I want to, and
3) Because I hope that, eventually, 50 miles will be my base point and not the distance I spend all summer working up to, that is . . .

if I ever hope to make it all the way to the Iron Man! :)

PS: Today, Friday, I blew off my intended workout (running and lifting) since schedule changes made the day too crazy. And, after becoming an expert at "spot shot" cleaning and the "rinse and spritz" strategies, I didn't have the time or motivation for the two full showers today's activities would have required.

Happy Friday everyone!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Power oatmeal.

60 minutes of yoga.

30 minutes of weights.

Treated myself to homemade ginger pumpkin muffins (loaded with dark chocolate chips) and white tea, along with yougurt and granola.

Might take Luna for a walk.

This is a rest day for me.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sweet Run

Planned for a 3-mile run and it felt so good (finally!) that I ran 4.25 instead. Love when that happens!

Went out as soon as the kids got on the bus--8:30 AM, overcast, mid-60s, light breeze--perfect running weather.

Fueled only by slippery elm bark tea. Post-run; the usual power oatmeal.

Monday, October 25, 2010


And finally, she rested.

Took my dog for a one-mile walk this morning.

And that's it for today :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010


30-mile bike on Saturday. Pre-fuel: power oatmeal breakfast. Pre-ride: small bowl of Crunchy Flax cereal with strawberries and almond milk, whole grain toast with almond butter and honey, and cup of coffee.

30 hilly miles; already hurting from the hills after only a short break. 44 oz water during ride.

Post-ride was a buffet of almonds, fresh fruit, sea salt chips and hummus, and fresh fruit.

Today I lifted weights for 30 mins and made a lame attempt at a 4 mile run; my body is still not into it. I might have been able to walk faster.

Friday, October 22, 2010

On the Run

On the schedule today: lift, walk, run.

The usual morning power-oatmeal, later followed by chai tea.

Lifted weights in the gym for 30 mins. Took my dog, Luna, out and threw Frisbee for her (to satisfy her need to sprint and calm her down. She's a Labrador; enough said) before heading out on our one mile walk. Scarfed a mini Clif Bar while we walked.

Took Luna home (she's not yet a good running partner), shed a few layers and ran a mile in my Vibram Five Fingers. I've been walking and hiking in them, but it's the first time I've run in them since the metatarsal stress fracture. I read somewhere that running barefoot should not be more than 10 percent of total weekly mileage. My feet are stronger now but I'm still a little fearful of causing another break . . .

One more stop at home to switch into my Kenvara's and headed out for the final three miles.

After cool down and stretching, grabbed a handful of almonds, followed by a cup of plain, organic yogurt and 1/3 cup of homemade granola and water.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I exercise so I can eat!

Hopped on my bike today for a 50 mile round trip ride to a friend's house. Wicked headwinds. 61 degrees max; sunny, but windy.

Usual breakfast of champions: Oatmeal with (are you ready for this?) honey, cinnamon, turmeric, flax seed, blueberries, almond butter, almonds, olive oil and soy milk. Yum!

Pre-ride, fueled up on bagel, cream cheese and soy latte. Once I started shaking from the caffeine, I was ready to roll.

Probably didn't hydrate enough today, but it wasn't hot. Really only making up for all the fluid I was losing through my nose! (It runs like crazy the minute the temps drop below 70!)

During ride fuel: 22 0z water and a Hammer Gel.

At 25 miles, I have a pit stop at a dear friend's house. She feeds me and lets me use her potty; even gives me a sweatshirt when I start to cool down. Everyone needs a friend like that!

Pit stop energy: Green tea, scone, yogurt, granola.

Ride home: 22 oz sport drink

Post ride: almonds and fruit.

Dinner: carrot ginger soup and salad--loaded with veggies, plus cottage cheese, hard-boiled egg and walnuts.

And, of course, my semi-frequent evening indulgence: corn chips with melted cheese. Tonight I even added a glass of red wine :)

I did mention that the main reason I exercise is so I can eat, right?

"I exercise so I can eat, not eat so I can exercise!" :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


With my last race of the year behind me, I'm slowly switching to off-season mode.

Workouts this week are much more mellow; walking and lifing on Tuesday, yoga and walking today.

Still trying to get into this new groove.

In other news, will start this weekend as a health/fitness columnist for the Carroll County Times.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Baltimore Running Festival

On Saturday, I participated in the Baltimore Running Festival and hit a distance PR--6 + 1 miles; the longest run in a year (with the exception of the 3 + 5 miles I ran in July on a broken foot!)

Due to the metatarsal stress fracture in July, I had only gotten up to 4.5 miles in the week leading up to Baltimore, so no chance of running the Half. I started the Half and ran 6 miles, to the end of leg 3 of the relay, and hopped on a bus to head back to the finish. However, after 45 minutes on the bus, we hit a road block and did not move. We all got off the bus to walk the remaining distance to the finish. Turns out there was only a mile left and I was running late for the rendezvous point with my friends, so, I simply ran that last mile in. It felt good to put that many miles on my feet again. Loving the Kenvaras.

Yesterday, went on a two hour hike in Catoctin State Park and spent 30 minutes lifting in the gym.

Today is a rest day; one of the few ;)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I am the Warrior

A good week. Last Thursday I biked 50 miles round trip, for fun, to a friend's house.

On Saturday, after seven months of intense triathlon training, I let my warrior braids down and tried something new: Warrior Dash. The Warrior Dash reps call it "the craziest frickin day of your life." I just call it fun; one of the most fun things I've ever done!

With my Batman shirt on, Dr. Seuss-inspired striped tights, and war paint, I was ready for battle. 500 warriors gathered at the starting line in preparation for our 9:30 AM battle to the finish. Eye of the Tiger playing, emcee counting down and twin towers of flames shoot in the air as the start whistle blows and we're off; racing through a campsite and into an open field, where the first of many obstacles await.

I crawled through tunnels, climbed over walls and scaled cargo nets, plunged into chest-high water and over rolling logs; slogged up slippery slopes and raced down technical descents. With the finish line in sight, I army-crawled through mud and leaped over fire. It was pure joy and completely primal.

The rest of the day was spent listening to great bands and drinking bad beer. Such a departure from the rest of my race schedule, and such a relief.

The remainder of the week I've been taking it easy, with a 4.5 mile run on Tuesday and yoga on Wednesday. The Baltimore Half Marathon is in two days, but chances are I will have to bail around mile six; it's just not worth a re-injuring my feet!

Monday, October 4, 2010

After six months of training, I thought I'd be ready for a break. Instead, I'm antsy and full of energy. Fortunately, my running is coming along in my new Kinvaras; I'm up to four miles. So far, so good. I've recommitted to a three-days-a-week weight training routine and on Saturday, my husband and I got out for a 25-mile joy ride; joy being the operative word--clear, blue skies, bright sunshine, crisp fall air; gliding over rolling country roads that once felt challenging and now are simpley enjoyable.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Metatarsal Stress Fracture!

It's official. Got the MRI results today and I have a metatarsal stress fracture. Good news--I can still swim and bike. Bad news--can't run for 4-6 weeks, which puts me out of the "running" for the Savage Half Iron Man. Again. However, since I can still compete in the swim and bike legs, I was able to switch my registration to the aquavelo. First a duathlon, now an aquavelo--adding all kinds of new experiences!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cycling and animal encouters

What do you get when you cross a bicycle going 40 mph with a huge deer dashing into the road? I came within an arm's length of finding out today! "Deer collision" was almost added to my cycling file on animal encounters (manic dog, hungry vulture, road kill, skunk, bug death, bee sting; the animals seem to keep getting... bigger!) Today's ride: 3 hours, 47 (hot--100!--and hilly) miles, two Hammer Gels, and 112 oz of fluid.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Biking in the rain. Again. It didn't rain forever and lately every time I get on my bike, down it comes! (Am I actually cycling or doing some type of 2-wheeled rain dance?) So, next time your yard is looking parched, put down the hose give me a call. I'll head out on my bike;it'll be sure to rain!
Got my new cassette--sweet! (What hills?!?) Focus is moving from speed to increased distance and inclines. Probably a good thing--after high-speed wipeout into oncoming traffic and fishtailing down steep, wet hills, I seem to have lost the agressive piece of my backbone! For now. ;)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Two down, one big one to go!

I haven't written in a while. Since school ended for the summer, I've had a lot of quality time with my girls, but little time for anything else.

First triathlon of the season was a success! The South Carroll Tri to Win Sprint Triathlon was on Father's Day. I took 10 minutes off my time from last year and finished 2nd in my division.

A week later, my foot was hurting again--with a new problem this time. Pain on the top of the left foot. A few more runs in and I was benched again for a week. Managed to squeak in a few more two-milers before the next triathlon . . .

Diamond in the Rough Triathlon (DITRT) was this weekend. A thunderstorm came through and it poured down rain all morning. The storm and low visibility caused the swim portion to be cancelled, effectively making the race a duathlon--my first! But the timing was terrible as I suddenly had to run eight miles when I'd only prepared for five. I got my seat handed to me on the run portions, but handed it back again on the bike so, overall, a wash. Literally. Nothing like racing in the rain, fish-tailing down steep hills and being soaked for six hours.

On a positive note, I took nine minutes off my time and finished 7th in my division.

But, I paid for it the next day . . . painful, inflamed foot and extremely sore muscles. Jury is out on weather I now have extensor tendonitis or possibly a metatarsal stress fracture. Once again, running will be put on hold . . .

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Accupuncture Rocks

Taking a day off from training for accupuncture treatment. I truly believe it's what got me running again. Literally. That, and my Vibram 5's.

Happy to report that I shaved 2.5 minutes off my run time on Sunday. Followed it with 30 minutes of weights and the Monday spin class.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just participated in a national criterium. Inside. On my trainer. With the windows open it was almost like being outside. (A little positive thinking never hurts.)

It's like rain, on your training day. (Think Alanis)

Rain, rain go away. Come again on a non-training day.

Glorious 12-mile outdoor ride on Thursday, if disappointingly slow. Today, high winds and rain have me confined to the indoor trainer.

Post-injury, wonder if I will be up to speed in time for the 2010 tri season?